If you’ve ever wondered why Taylor Swift doesn’t follow anyone on her social media platforms, fans have suggested Eminem might have played a role in shaping her approach to online presence.
In a revealing moment, Eminem once shared a valuable piece of advice during an interview. When asked by Yeshu Dave why he doesn’t follow anyone on Twitter, Eminem’s response was clear.
“Always be a leader, not a follower,” Eminem responded.
This philosophy underscores the idea that blindly following the crowd won’t lead to personal or professional advancement.
Swift could have taken this advice to heart, maintaining a similar stance on her social media accounts. Notably, she doesn’t follow anyone, including boyfriend Travis Kelce.
This stands in contrast to other celebrities like Beyonce, who, while having previously followed no one, now selectively follows her husband Jay-Z.
Explained her decision in the past
Swift’s impressive social media following, with 278 million on Instagram and 94.9 million on Twitter, reflects her status as a leader in the entertainment industry.
Back in 2019, Swift revealed to Capital FM radio in the UK that the reason she doesn’t follow anyone on Instagram is to avoid people making judgments about her life based on her likes or comments.

“I found a couple years ago that social media started to feel a bit like the media’s way of monitoring my every move,” Swift said.
“And like I started to realize that if I didn’t wish one of my friends a happy birthday on Instagram, there would literally be articles saying, like, ‘Unsquadded! Taylor Swift is no longer friends with so-and-so!’
“And I’d literally be at the person’s birthday party with them! And because I hadn’t posted…I kind of reject this idea that if you didn’t see it on the Internet it didn’t happen.
“So it was kind of my way of like not allowing my life to be controlled and monitored by social media. And I think we’re all kind of taking steps to try to figure out how to not let it take over our lives and our feelings of validation.
“You can’t have a memory and take a picture of it and spend the rest of the day looking at the comments for that one snapshot of your day,” “You should just maybe be present for your whole day.”