“Special National Anthem” Before NFL Game Sparks Outrage [WATCH]

The NFL has sparked backlash after airing a “special national anthem” before a recent game hosted by the Kansas City Chiefs.  Before the commencement of the game, The Kansas City Boys Choir and the Kansas City Girls Choir performed a rendition of “Lift Every Voice,” also referred to as the “Black National Anthem,” alongside the Star Spangled Banner.

Subsequently, social media users blasted the move, calling for the unified celebration of a single national anthem.  End Wokeness shared the clip on social media, writing, “We now have a special national anthem before every game to honor 13% of the population.”  Many more users in the comments section were highly critical of the alternative to the Star Spangled Banner.

Conservative commentator Paul A. Szypula wrote, “This division started with Obama and has only gotten worse since. If we want to fix it we need to defund companies that promote it. Stop watching the NFL. Stop going to their games.”  Another person added, “Why is there just a Black National Anthem? How dare we insult Eskimos with this complete lack of equity! The @NFL needs to adopt the Inuit National Anthem or else.”

Another disgruntled X user pointed out, “This is a communist tactic, to sow racial divisions within society. It’s part of a divine and conquer strategy. So the NFL execs are communists or they are bowing to communists. People need to be wiser than communism, we outnumber them!”

Other emphasized that there should only be one national anthem Americans united under, not multiple which is an indication of division.  “But I thought we were all Americans? With 1 national anthem for everyone? That is what I would call inclusive?!? Having separate is the opposite of inclusive ..no? What’s the opposite of inclusive? I can’t remember ….” they wrote.

Earlier this year, The American Tribune reported on the opinion of former ESPN commentator-turned conservative commentator Sage Steele on the Black National Anthem being played before sporting events.  Speaking with a guest on her podcast Steele commented on the “blanthem,” stating, “Well, it’s newer the last couple of years and it’s at the Super Bowl.  And it’s been at a couple of major sporting events, and it’s ‘Lift Every Voice,’ and that’s sung now before the national anthem and it’s called the black national anthem.”

Steele continued, “Let’s call it that. Hashtag blanthem. Maybe if it were that I would not think it were so ridiculous and divisive. … With the hashtag we’re good. Cool. To me, and again I’m sensitive, because I’ve been told — Dude, we’re one big melting pot. This is good. Why are we now choosing to separate again when we’ve been in a tough time here the past several years, to say, “This is only our anthem, but y’all better stand up. Get you’re a** up.” …I think we’re all Americans and it’s our anthem; and all the immigrants from across the world that have come here stand up for our anthem. They’re all Americans.”

Watch the controversial “special national anthem” below:



Note:  The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.