Sounding off on Vice President and likely 2024 Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham threw some hilarious jabs VP Harris’s way, questioning why on earth Harris is in the position of immense responsibility that she is and noting that she seems far from qualified or prepared for such a situation.
Beginning, Ingraham noted that Kamala seems to have been pushed along not by her talent but by her connections and that one who acts in such a way can only keep the truth about their awfulness hidden for so long. In her words: “When you don’t really ever get vetted, when you get pushed along in your career not for your talent, but because of connections — well, you can fake it for a while, but the truth is always going to come out.”

Continuing, she argued that the truth about Harris that is now readily apparent is that she is far worse than any of the recent Democrat grandees at politics. As she put it: “And here’s the truth: Harris is nowhere close to being as politically adept as Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, let alone in the same stratosphere as Obama.”
Giving some examples of how Kamala has shown that she doesn’t have what it takes and is not politically adept, Ingraham noted, “She can’t hold a press conference or answer reporters’ questions. She can’t explain why their record is, by any measure, successful. She can’t go into Michigan and explain how she’s going to rescue the auto industry.”
On that same note, Ingraham gave a few more, noting that Harris won’t do well on the foreign stage: “She can’t go into Pittsburgh to explain how she’s going to save the steel industry. And we certainly know she cannot reassure a single world leader of her competence and understanding of geopolitical affairs.”
Describing why we know that, Ingraham described Kamala’s meeting with Netanyahu, saying, “But she’s had one recent significant meeting with a foreign leader, Netanyahu, and it was so bad that immediately after it, he ended up having his people go out and start leaking about how terrible she was. And then he returned home to order the obliteration of the leader of Hamas.”
Then, returning to Kamala generally, Ingraham said it was “beyond comprehension” that she could be in charge of hundreds of millions of Americans, saying, “They’re acting as though we’re going to, I don’t know, vote for Miss Congeniality here in the United States. The idea that Kamala is going to be responsible for the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans or commander-in-chief of hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops is beyond comprehension.”
Concluding, Ingraham argued that Kamala won’t be making the decisions a president ought make because of her general awfulness, and so others will just do so for her. “She will make none of the big decisions. She’s even worse than Biden because she’s never really been vetted, and she has no experience,” Ingraham said.
Watch her here: