The Trump campaign recently released a new attack against Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid, calling out her previous statements demonstrating her radically progressive policy stances. The ad has been labeled the most “compelling” criticism of Harris yet, explaining to voters why Kamala Harris should not be the next president of the United States.
The narrator opens the clip, stating, “You thought Joe Biden was radical? Just wait until you get to know Kamala Harris. She’s dangerously liberal.” The ad highlights Kamala’s various radical stances on hot-button issues, such as the Biden-Harris administration’s egregious failure at the southern border, law enforcement, gender ideology, and more.

The ad opens with Kamala stating her pronouns while wearing a mask, “I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she and her,” Harris said. The video then cuts to a clip of Harris claiming that putting police on the streets to reduce crime is counterintuitive. “You know, for far too long, the status quo thinking has been to believe that by putting more police on the street, you’re gonna have more safety. And that’s just wrong,” she said.
One of the most significant points of criticism Vice President Harris has faced is her record with the southern border, along with her attitudes toward illegal immigrants. The ad features past comments from Harris claiming the border is “secure” despite the millions of unlawful border crossings that have occurred under the Biden-Harris administration.
“We have a secure border,” she said. In another clip, Harris seems to claim that the United States should not consider illegal border crossings as a crime, whereas the “undocumented” should not be considered “criminals.” She said in a previous interview, “We’re not going to treat people who are undocumented across the borders criminals. That’s correct.”
During an interview with Don Lemon, Harris made the radical claim that Americans should have a “conversation” about allowing violent felons on death row, such as the Boston Bomber, to vote. “People who are convicted in prison, like the Boston Marathon bomber on death row, they should be able to vote?” Lemon asked Harris. She responded, “I think we should have that conversation.”
Watch the anti-Harris ad here:
Harris has also taken radical stances on tax rates and carbon emissions. “Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is the darling of the party. She’s seen minutes this weekend, proudly calling herself a radical, and she’s promoting policies like saying that every single carbon emission in the country, every car, should be eliminated. Within the next 11 years, everything from a 70 to 80% tax rate. Do you agree that she could possibly in this ideology of the socialist black six country or party?” a reporter asked. Harris replied, “No, you know. I think that. I think that’s fantastic.”
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.