“He wants to retire a Warrior. He wants to go to the Hall of Fame alongside Steph. That’s how close he feels to him.” This was the ultimate goal Klay Thompson had, according to his father, Mychal. But we all know how things turned out for the Splash Brothers.

Signs of an early exit from the Bay Area soon dotted his life – declining performances after injuries, the degrading relationship with the front office, unfollowing the Warriors on Instagram, and deleting a heavy chunk of Dubs posts. The last one included deleting a memorable picture of Stephen Curry and himself holding the championship trophy. Needless to say, it soon sparked rumors of a sour relationship between the two, who had come to regard each other as real brothers. But is what we see on the surface really all there is to the story?

Can we really just decide ‘it is so’ and ‘that must be it’ based on a few instances? If that were the case, then Klay’s mom, Julie, must have been lying about her son’s deep bond with not just Steph but also his entire family! Before you lose it, hear me out because it’s the exact opposite.

Julie Thompson is deeply grateful for the Currys’ presence in her son’s life

Joining Sonya Curry on the Raising Fame podcastJulie and Mychal Thompson had a lot of stories to share. Unsurprisingly, Steph and the Currys were prominent in them. But perhaps what really tugs at our heartstrings is the pure, unadulterated love and support between Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry. And what better way to prove it than an OG story?

It was during the 2014 FIBA World Cup in Spain. Julie recalled, “Klay was on the phone, and it was Ralph [Walker, Steph’s bodyguard]. Klay goes, ‘You want me to third wheel it? Okay, alright. No, that’s alright. You guys go ahead.’” Intrigued by the conversation and wanting to know what offer her son had just turned down, Julie revealed, “I was like, ‘Who was that?’ And he said, ‘Just Steph. He and Ralph are gonna go out to dinner or something.’” That brotherly bond between Klay and Steph? Well, this was it.

It’s no secret that Klay Thompson has never been one to talk much. In fact, Thompson’s high school assistant coach even described him as  “very shy, reserved, introverted by nature.” Ever since he and Steph became teammates, though, they’ve looked out for each other on and off the court. So, when Curry and Walker planned to step out in Spain, Steph found it only natural to ask Klay to join them. “You know, it was very casual, but people wouldn’t know that they have that,” Julie said about the Splash Brothers’ relationship.

She continued, I have gone up to Steph. I have gone up to him in Spain, and I said, ‘I just wanna thank you for all the times that I have a feeling Klay’s dipped out and has not wanted to do an interview, and you just smiled and said, ‘I love plans with Klay.’’” Appreciating their bond, as well as how welcoming the entire Curry family has been to Thompson, Julie added affectionately, “[Steph] and Ayesha, [and all] you guys have all been great from Day 1.” 

An elite basketball player, doing it at the highest level and with one of the greatest shooters of all time. Imagine what it would do to him, mentally and physically, to just sit idly by. Or, as Julie put it, ‘dipping out.’ Yes, it was for his own good. And yes, it was absolutely necessary for his body to fully recuperate if he wanted to truly contribute. However, it’s always easier said than done. Julie’s comments reflect her deep appreciation for the Currys’ kindness and support.

Even so, Steph was always a call away whenever his Splash Bro needed him. Still not convinced?

Klay Thompson had just one thing on his mind right after surgery, per his mom

In 2019, while playing against the Raptors in game 6 of the NBA Finals, Klay Thompson tore his ACL. Later that year, in July, he underwent surgery to get it repaired. Julie recounted what happened right after: “After Klay’s surgery, you know how you wake up and you’re kinda out of it, and they come out and tell us, ‘You can go in.’” 

Well, after she and Mychal went into Klay’s room, “He goes, ‘Hey Mom, it’s Canon’s birthday today. He turned one.’… It was very special at the time,” Those who have had surgeries at least once would understand what Klay’s mom was talking about. Disoriented, groggy, sometimes even shivering, all anybody would be capable of doing is try and find their bearings. But here was Thompson, keeping track of his best friend’s son’s birthday!

If that isn’t an example of true friendship, then what is? Then again, there must be a valid reason why Sonya Curry referred to Klay as her fourth Splash son. After all, Thompson is like family to the Currys. And him and Canon? They’re buddies. It took Thompson 941 days to return to the Chase Center after that ACL injury in 2019. When he returned on what was dubbed ‘Klay Day,’ who can forget how Canon handed him the game ball after their victory? Or the “Hello, Klay Thompson!” from last year.

It’s true. The Currys and Klay are family. Why else would Steph have cried when his Splash Brother explained why he was leaving the Warriors? “It’s one of those things where you never think you’d ever have that conversation,” Curry told The Athletic. “Even to the 11th hour, when I knew all the signs were pointing towards [Thompson and the Warriors) not finding a resolution on the contract, you’re thinking, ‘Maybe it’ll be one of those things where he’d come out and say, ‘Oh, we got it done.’” But it wasn’t to be.