Did you catch that Rosie the Riveter reference? (Spoilers ahead.)

1. If the scene in which Diana shields Steve from gunfire seems familiar, there’s good reason: It’s an homage to Clark Kent doing the same for Lois Lane in Superman (1978).

2. Her glasses and hat — the staples of Clark Kent’s iconic disguise — really drive the point home.

3. This shot, on the other hand, of Diana using her arm to deflect a bullet, is a direct nod to the iconic Rosie the Riveter poster, whose subject is often regarded as a feminist icon.

4. Her blue dress at the banquet is strikingly similar to a dress Lynda Carter wore in an episode of the Wonder Woman TV series.

Twitter: @haarleyquin

5. It also puts her in a long line of bold female characters who find themselves exploring ~a whole new world.~



Allure’s Calin Van Paris notes that blue dresses “[seem] to be a favorite of ingenues soon to embark on an adventure outside of their realm of experience.”

6. The gala attendee Diana gets the dress from is also important — it’s none other than Fausta Grables.

In the Wonder Woman comics and TV series, Grables is a Nazi agent who Hitler directs to capture Wonder Woman.

7. The white peacocks on Themyscira are hugely symbolic: Male peacocks are known for their brightly colored feathers and showy mating rituals, so these peacocks, with white, lowered feathers, underscore the female dominion of the island.

8. Themyscira is also filled with circles and spirals and thereby avoids phallic imagery almost entirely.

9. The German lifeboats bear the name Schwaben, which was the name of an actual German ship that, in 1905, replaced the battleship Mars — the Roman name of the Greek god ARES!

10. But that’s not the only historical connection: Erich Ludendorff was an actual German general during World War I.

Ludendorff’s account of the war — basically that Germany had lost because it was betrayed by German civilians back home — was used as Nazi propaganda in the party’s rise to power.

11. At the department store, Etta tells Steve that Diana is on “outfit #226” — which just so happens to be the number of the last issue of the Wonder Woman comic that ran from 1987 to 2006.

DC Comics

12. While his character’s backstory wasn’t completely revealed in Wonder Woman, Saïd Taghmaoui, who plays Sameer, has suggested he might be a member of the Blackhawks.

Via Twitter: @SaidTaghmaoui

In DC Comics, the Blackhawk Squadron is a group of ace pilots who fight alongside the Allies.

13. Squint hard, and you can see Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zach Snyder as a soldier behind Wonder Woman & Co. in Veld, Belgium.

Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

14. Dr. Maru, dressed in military green, never actually wears her protective goggles as Dr. Poison does in the comics.

Columbia Pictures

In Angels & Demons, the Camerlengo flies a helicopter with the volatile antimatter on board high above the Vatican in order to save everyone upon the substance’s explosion.