Novak Djokovic has long been lauded for his efforts putting Serbia on the global stage. On Saturday evening, he spent time with another star who has done the same: NBA star Nikola Jokic of the Denver Nuggets.
Djokovic and Jokic spoke after the latter led his team past LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers in Los Angeles. Vic Lombardi of AltitudeTV interviewed Djokovic just before their meeting.
“I’m here to enjoy the basketball, a sport I love very much. Of course, appreciate the greatness of LeBron and and Nikola Jokic,” Djokovic said.
“He’s huge. He’s one of the best athletes we’ve ever had in the history of Serbian sport. What he has been doing in the last three years is just remarkable, not just for Serbian basketball, but also for European basketball, playing in the strongest basketball league in the world. He’s amazing. I just love him a lot as a person.”
Jokic had plenty of positive things to say about Djokovic, too, explaining how much the 36-year-old means to Serbia.
“They see him as a winner,” Jokic said. “He puts our country on top of the world many, many times.”