In yet another embarrassing moment for America’s elderly and ever-aging president, President Joe Biden appears to have read off the term “last name” from the teleprompter when giving a speech in Wisconsin and referring to a teacher he had at his Catholic school in Delaware as a young man. It was yet another “yikes” moment for the president, as many Americans think he is too old for the job, as shown by his frequent gaffes.

This was not the first time Biden has read off the teleprompter in an awkward gaffe. In another similarly embarrassing incident, Biden read, “Four more years, pause?” when trying to deliver a speech. As could be predicted, that gaffe went viral online quite quickly and was used as evidence that Biden is too old for the job.

In any case, Biden’s speech began with him trying to highlight his Catholic background, something he claims is an important part of his identity despite his administration’s stance on issues like abortion. He said, “I went to a Catholic High School in Delaware taught by the Norbertine priest from St. Norbert’s College, you know, a little t- — a little team called ‘Green Bay.’”

Continuing, he stumbled over his next line, in which he tried to build rapport with the Wisconsin audience by claiming that his Catholic high school was full of Green Bay fans, saying, “Now, here’s the deal. We were the only high school in Delaware that overwhelmingly rooted for Green Bay e- — not a joke; I’ll tell you why — every single Sunday.”

That’s when he got to the part of the speech with the very embarrassing “last name” gaffe, saying, “Not only did they have great teams at the time — they still do — but not only that, my theology professor at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Reilley, last name.”

Continuing, with the story as if not realizing his embarassing mistake, Biden said, “And he had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers. And he decided to become a priest before that, so he didn’t go. But every single, solitary Monday that Green Bay won, we got the last period of the day off. Now, we Catholics call that indirect bribery. But it worked.”

Watch him here:


Joking about the gaffe on X, one commenter, Athenian Stranger, wrote, “It’s like on Anchorman when the producer yells “Ron will read everything on the teleprompter literally, so only have exactly what you want his to say on it” 😂” Making a similar joke, another commenter said, “Maybe the dems are just going to Ron Burgundy him off into the sunset.”

Others joked about the same gaffe, saying things like “Who doesn’t remember the great Green Bay Packer Riley Last-Name? 😂😂” and “Part of the legendary Packers line up that included other greats like First Name, What’s His Name, I don’t Know, Who, and Naturally.” Still another wrote that it’s not even funny given how poorly things are going, saying, “Not even funny anymore when half of Americans are broke and this is our CEO. It’s actually terrible”

Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video